Google no longer "not evil"?

19 Dec 2007

Oh, this breaks my heart. I've always loved Google, and I would readily admit that I envy the awesome company they have built. But sometimes, you see little signs that the company, is no longer radically "not evil" or iconoclastic like before. Perhaps it is only to be expected, now that thousands and thousands of people work for them, and some amount of "regular big co" attitude will creep in.

But you see little things like Google keeping track of your search history, even after you logged off from one of their services (check the top right corner the next time you do a google search). That worries me. They have no business to track my search history.  And little puff pieces in the press like these. That press release sounds too flattering to me. Something just doesn't sound right.

We're watching you, Google. Here's hoping you'll keep inspiring us and stay "not evil" :)